Great Products to the Best Customers

We take great products and bring them to the world, utilizing relationships worldwide.

Customized Sales Consulting for a Confident Growth Strategy

The VCV mission is to add value while working with the best suppliers and customers. We stand apart from others in our commitment to providing individualized, experience-based recommendations—no cookie-cutter flowcharts or recycled reports here. We know the markets, we know the customers, and we truly want what is best for the supplier and customer.

After 20 years of experience, VCV can attest to who are the best customers in this industry.

Remember, a reputation takes a lifetime to develop but only a minute to destroy.

We know that for long term sales, we must look for the elusive Win-Win.


Customer Testimonail

It was a pleasure to work with Joe for almost 5 years. He was a very important piece in the relationship that my company Inova had with his previous employer. Joe was always direct, honest and available to solve problems. He really understands the true meaning of win, win! Love the guy!

Bruno Mercenari Inova (Mexico)
Customer Testimonail

I have had the pleasure of working with him for over 15 years and he has earned my respect! Joe Urbay helped in bringing one of the top selling products to Japan. He constantly brings us new ideas on how to continue to grow the products and the brand. Other than having important relationships around the world, he is very knowledgeable in many facets of Direct Response media and marketing.

Paul Chang Direct Teleshop (Japan)
Customer Testimonail

I had the great opportunity to work with Joey for almost 6 years. He has been the most honest and reliable supplier I've ever had. I will miss such a good and big-hearted person In the crazy DRTV world.

Delphine Cantreau TF1 (France)
Customer Testimonail

Having the opportunity of working with Joe for about 15 years has been a real pleasure, in these years he has become a close personal friend and a great example of hard work, integrity and responsibility. We have done successful business together and I am sure will do much more in the near future.

Samia Solah TVentas (Ecuador)
Customer Testimonail

It was great to work with Joe for more than 10 years. Very reliable and honest person, we did a great business together. Joe was always ready to help increasing the business, not only by selling products but also by giving marketing advices, commercial tricks, best practices . He's a great person and a great partner! I really enjoyed working with him.

Frédérique Thibault VENTADIS (France)
Customer Testimonail

There's no such thing as great companies. Only great "People"! Companies don't succeed, people do! Joe Urbay is amongst the most successful business associates I've had the privilege of working with over the past 15-years. He alone is the reason for achieving outstanding, and extraordinary levels of success for those he's associated with, and worked with directly. A naturally gifted, talented and entrepreneurial individual with super sharp emotionally intelligent interpersonal skills, and business acumen. Joe Urbay can help anyone he associates with achieve great levels of success. If you have the opportunity, take it. Don't even think about it. I'm proud to be able to call him a dear friend.

Andrew Malcher, Co-Founder & Executive Chairman High Street TV Group (UK)
Customer Testimonail

In the past 10 years, Joe has done such a spectacular job assisting us to execute many products successfully in Thailand. He provided the international services more than he had to do. With such relationship, it made him one of a kind. Thanks, Joe for everything you have done!

Songpol Shanmatkit, CEO TV Direct PLC (Thailand)
Customer Testimonail

Joe Urbay is a proven Sales professional who thoroughly understands global sales and supply chain. Joe drives and delivers all necessary support needed to ensure sales programs and strategies are maximised for all stakeholders. He builds strong long term relationships and always brings a great sense of energy, passion and fun to make working with him a pleasure. Myself and the team at Global Shop Direct have worked closely with Joe over the past 8 years and he is well respected and regarded for his open and honest approach to working through any issues that arise during the course of business to ensure win, win outcomes and sustained success. We look forward continuing to work with him in the future.

Jamie Dow, CEO Global Shop Direct - Managing Director (Australia)